Hey Everyone!!! Well it's taken a little while, but it's happened. The Brainstormer iphone app is now available at the itunes store!!! Thanks to the hard work of Joel Davis, an early fan of the original Brainstormer, the new app is full of new, great features. It has taken the original and kicked it up a notch. You can share the Brainstorms you create (via email, twitter, or facebook), you can customize the lists, and much more. All in a little app. All with the same design and style. It's awesome! Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest in the original flash tool and encouraged the development of this new app.
Now I need your help! If you have an iphone/ipad/ipod touch, please check it out (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-brainstormer/id374496865) and spread the word (post about it on the forums you frequent, twitter about it, join our upcoming facebook fan page, etc.). It truly is the ideal way to use the Brainstormer and well worth the purchase.
What's next for the Brainstormer? Well, I'm working on a Brainstormer fan page on facebook where all news and info will be posted. It will also be a place to share what you've done with the Brainstormer and participate in group Brainstormer challenges. Joel and I are considering the idea of developing this for other platforms (android, etc.), but don't have a specific timeline for that. And I'm already developing a new Brainstormer, specifically for the ipad (all that space!!! think of what we could do!!!) with a whole new set of features well beyond what we could do on the iphone. I'm very excited!!! Please pass the word around and get creative with this! I'll post more as things develop! Thanks!!!
AWESOME! Will you still remeber us when you are rich and famous?
Love it! I almost didn't buy it until I saw that it's fully editable. Good move
This is great - thank you thank you!
Can you get this for a MacBook? I'm with AT&T but no iPhone.
Thank YOU! And congratulations. My favourite so far is healing journey/dystopian/oil rig! I love it.
thank YOU! My favourite so far is healing journey/dystopian/oil rig. Congratulations..
Thank you for providing this great tool, needless to say I have beem a fan of your older model and will stay a fan of your older model as I do not have an IPhone. I was wondering if you would be willing to send your PDF lists not in the digial form so I could carry with me in my Moleskien? Thank you, Greg
I just found this, and bought the iPhone app.
I'm looking forward to the iPad app too.
Hey this is very INTERESTING! I'll download it.
Any chance of a desktop or Android version of Brainstormer for those of us iphone-less?
I'm a fan of your iPhone app, have spent hours editing my wheels when away from home.
I showed it to a writer friend and she adores it, but she has an Android instead of an iPhone. Any chance of a version of Brainstormer for the Android market?
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